FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT, My Family Biz  09303066421                              How it Works     My Family Biz is exclusively a woman&rsquos network that utilizes family and friends to promote the products of My Family Biz through word of mouth and product satisfaction.   This module of Consumer to Consumer, or in this case, Woman to Woman Business encourages women empowerment and entrepreneurship. The concept behind My Family Biz is &lsquoYour food can earn you profit&rsquo.   Please note, this is not a marketing module where you are compelled to sell the products.   This is your family business So all you need to do is to promote or talk about the products to your relatives, friends and neighbours. Or better still, cook and serve them the food and the food will sell itself   3 steps and you&rsquore in business   Step 1 Buy whatever My Family Biz products you use in your daily life.   Step 2 See how your own family appreciates this wide range of easy to make, yet delicious and nutritious food products.   Step 3 If they are satisfied then it&rsquos time to tell others about them too.   The purchase of any of these products promoted by you then results in you getting a profit for every product sold What&rsquos more, no big investment is required. You just need to buy Rs. 250 MRP Inclusive of Taxes worth of products every month to get your profit share and incentives. There are no targets, however, there will be short term and long term promotions to boost your business and help you to earn more and more profit. All My Family Biz products will be sold through conveniently located Service Points. There will also be Media and other support to help you promote My Family Biz.             How to Become a Family Member   To become a Family Member you need to purchase the Family Trial Pack for Rs.900 MRP from a Service Point. This Family Trial Pack contains various My Family Biz products worth around Rs.750 MRP a Demo Kit with a Family Presentation Procedure manual, leave behinds, measuring cup, scoop and an application form along with 3 Gift Vouchers of Rs. 100 each MRP, for further trial purchase. Now all you need to do is prepare the products of My Family Biz at home and serve to your near and dear ones and watch them certify the quality, taste and other benefits. Fill the application form and submit it to any Service Point of your choice along with enclosures duly self attested. Your form will then be uploaded to the database and you will be allotted a Membership Identity Number MIN. Get the same by SMS. Now your food is ready to start earning you profit. And you are ready to spread the word of your product experience to your friends, relatives and neighbours through the Family Presentation Procedure manual.   Soon you will see your profits come pouring in FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT,   My Family Biz   09303066421