100 FREE 3x10 MLM WITH 0.00 ENTRY. NEVER SEEN BEFORE COMPENSATION PLAN INCLUDED WITH TOTAL EARNINGS 20,000JOIN NOW 100 FREE httpwww.310fm.com?id931httpwww.310fm.comsplash.php?id931           Secured Payment Processor With every membership we give a position to a 3x10 MLM Forced Matrix with unique never seen before compensation plan 33 calculated spillover to earn more than Matrix commission chart         Level No. of Members Commission Total 1 3 0.50 1.5 2 9 0.45 4.05 3 27 0.40 10.8 4 81 0.30 24.3 5 243 0.20 48.6 6 729 0.15 109.35 7 2187 0.10 218.7 8 6561 0.15 984.15 9 19683 0.20 3936.6 10 59049 0.25 14762.25 This is your total earnings 20100.3              Membership OptionsSigning up for the program is totally free You are notified by e-mail with every new member you get in your downline and what level they placed under you. As soon as you have 10 members in your downline, given 7 days to lock your position, the same will happen with your members under you. If you decide to pay for the membership as low as 2.95 Indian Rs 227- Plus Alertpay Fee month, you will keep your position and after every month you are eligable for commissions from your downline and for personal referrals. If you decide not to pay the membership fee, your account will be deleted as soon as the given 7 days pass. When a member removed from our program there is a hole, for this we do "Compression"

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