START TODAY -5 reffar and get 1000 daily
ram kumar | 22 November, 2014 | 2079 | 3980
reffral link....Referal Link --- if you intersted pl send your email id., and name immiditet. mai meri id se invait karunha to hi apki id place hogi.............
note------apni id active karne ke bad only aap ko apna link reffar kijiye ager aapki id se join ho gaya only 5 person get daily link 1000 ka
cotect me---8689927363
Start your helping programme with Rs. 4000 as follows the fund managed system.
Pay Rs.1500 to A needy person name declared by the automatic lucky draw system.
Pay Rs.1000 to A achiever who is achieved the post by promoting the programme.
Pay Rs.500 to your counseller that is your upline also.
pay Rs. 500 to your king that is your upline also.
pay Rs. 500 to your crown that is you upline also.
Ater the payment to all the above give help link and get acceptance by all the five. Now your I.D. is Green and the system will automatically run for you.
Now you become the NEEDY by the automatic fund managed lucky draw system.
Now you become ACHIEVER of the day by sent mail & link to your friend and make a team of Red entry. Hence the get help link in your hand. You can get daliy a confirm link by make a big team of Red entry.
Now you become a COUNCELLOR of your team by make a team of 10 direct referrals as Green I.D.
Now you become a KING of your team by make a team of 20 direct referrals as Green I.D.
Now you become a CROWN of your team by make a team of 30 direct referrals as Green I.D.

The Platform Fees is Rs.4000
NEEDY -> A person in the system who paid his platform fees as a donation and get his ID Green and his name will be automatically flash on Home page. It will be declared by our lucky draw system Generated Daily.
Needy will get a help link of Rs.1500 * 2 links per week upto 4 weeks in a month(i.e Rs.12000 almost 3 times of your Donation Fees Amount).
ACHIEVER ->A person in the system who paid his platform fees as a donation and get his ID Green. After this He invite a Friend thround send links and make a team of red entry. The system will count his total red team per day and declare him as a achiever of the day and his name will appear on home page.
Achiever will get a gethelp link of Rs.1000 per day after achievement. The unlimited income you can achieve.
COUNCELLOR -> A person in the system who paid his platform fees as a donation and get his ID Green and he make 10 direct referral ID as a green.
After this he will get a confirm link of Rs.500 from his entire downline team if any ID become green in his total team.
KING -> A person in the system who paid his platform fees as a donation and get his ID Green and he make 20 direct referral ID as a green.
After this he will get a confirm link of Rs.500 from his entire downline team if any ID become green in his total team.
CROWN -> A person in the system who paid his platform fees as a donation and get his ID Green and he make 30 direct referral ID as a green.
After this he will get a confirm link of Rs.500 from his entire downline team if any ID become green in his total team.
It's a Differential Plan. For Details see the chart given below

This is a fast and fully automatic Helping Plan System.
There is no change in name, Bank A/c , Phone No and E-mail ID once it is filled by you. Please fill it carefully otherwise your id will be permanently blocked by the system.
One Person will receive one ID in the system. By using only one mail ID, one Phone no. , one Bank Account for one time only.
There is no reject Button in the system so get your ID Green within 48 Hours by GiveHelp to all 5 links you received otherwise your ID will be blocked permanently.
After you get your ID as Green first you will become a needy and receive 2 links per week of GetHelp.
After send 5 Links per day and click them as a Red Entry in your team. After this your ID will be Achiever of the day. Doing this you can get daily a Achiever link for big income.
Only Accept Button is present there so give help to all the links in 48 Hours and get your ID Green otherwise your ID will permanently block by the System.
This is long run Helping program you can get a huge income and permanent link after get any one promotion as per plan.
After getting any type of promotion in your team of Green ID's you will get permanent links and income postwise for long run.