Need MLM leaders F Myrecharge Pvt Ltd.

As We have best opportunity for serious mlm leaders who are looking for long term mlm business...... DEAR visitor, every one want to make money because money plays an important role in our daily life. There is only three way to earn lots of money. 1. Family business needs very good financial background 2. Talent if you are god gifted, like singers, dancer, higher studying etc. 3. Smart working Multi level marketing MLM or similar work If you think you have no above two things 1&2 , so there is only one way to get rich soon, that is MLM means Multi level Marketing. MLM is very simple to do and you can earn lots of money without any type of tension. Now, There is again three things to do to get success in MLM, its three P. P- Product it must be usable for everyone P- Plan its must give you what you want P- Person the person, you are joining under means your up-line The opportunity that we are giving you is 100 familiar with these three P's. P- Product Mobile Recharge, every one uses mobile P- Plan You can earn 90000 -per month rewardsrepurchase P- Person We will always be with you any time, either physically or mobile connecting -OUR COMPANY DETAILS- 1 WHO IS THE M.D OF THE COMPANY,&rdquoMY RECHARGE PVT LTD&rdquo? ANSWER- MR. ASHOK KULHARI. 2 IN WHICH YEAR DID THE COMPANY LAUNCH THEIR UNIQUE CONCEPT OF MY RECHARGE IN INDIA WEST BENGAL? ANSWER- THE COMPANY REGISTERED UNDER ROC ON 23RD OF SEPTEMBER 2010 AND LAUNCHED THE CONCEPT ON 22ND OCTOBER 2010. 3 WHO IS THE OFFICIAL LAUNCHER OF MY RECHARGE PVT LTD, IN WEST BENGAL? ANSWER- MR. RATAN PARIA OF KOLKATA, WEST BENGAL. 4 WHAT IS THE MOTTO OF THE COMPANY? ANSWER- TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO RECHARGE THEIR OWN MOBILE AND DTH FROM THE COMPANY INSTEAD OF TAKING FROM RETAILERS SHOPS AND THEREBY EARNING A HEALTHY AMOUNT WHICH CAN CHANGE THEIR LIFE STYLES FOREVER. 5 IN WHICH CITY IS THE HEAD OFFICE OF THE COMPANY? ANSWER- IT IS SITUATED AT JAIPUR, IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA. MY RECHARGE PVT. LTD. 206A, PUSHP ENCLAVE, SECTOR -5, PRATAP NAGAR, SANGANER JAIPUR -302033 6 COMPANY&rsquoS WEBSITE AND E-MAIL ADDRESS . ANSWER- WEBSITE- E-MAIL ADDRESS- adminmyrecharg 7 NAME OF THE GROUP OF COMPANIES ANSWER- a KULHARI MARKETING PVT.LTD. THIS IS ONE OF THE TOP MOST COMPANY WHICH GIVES &ldquoTATA&rdquo A REGULAR PER DAY BUSINESS OF MORE THAN 2.5CR TO 3 CR ON WEB SMS b EARN FROM MOBILE EFM THIS IS THE FIRST MLM COMPANY OF MR. KULHARI BASED ON WEB SMS AND HAD LAUNCHED IN THE YEAR 2007-8. ALREADY HISTORY CREATED BECAUSE MORE THAN 23 LAKHS DISRIBUTOR ARE ALREADY THERE TILL DATE. c RECHARGE DUNIYA.COM ONLINE RECHARGE IS DONE UNDER THIS COMPANY. MORE THAN 20,000 RETAILERS ARE THERE ALL OVER INDIA WHO WORKS UNDER THE BELT OF THIS COMPANY. PER DAY TRANSACTION IS MORE THAN 4 CRORE. d MY RECHARGE PVT. LTD. THIS COMPANY IS GOING TO CREATE HISTORY IN RECHARGE WORLD AS WELL AS IN NETWORKING INDUSTRY. WHAT IS THE REG.NO, PAN NO, AND TAN NO. OF THE COMPANY? ANSWER- REG.NO- U64201RJ2010PTC 032933 2010-2011 PAN NO- AAGCM7823G TAN NO- JPRK03035E Myrecharge pvt ltd. Myrecharge is a multilabel recharge based company. My dear frends welcome to myrecharg family.myrechar ge now the only company with self defended technology sells..100 risk free plan try it.... -SERVICE&WORK ING&INCOME DETAILS- ¤&hearts¤USE MYRECHARGE SERVICE ND SAVE YOUR TIME&EARN MONEY¤&hearts¤ Activate your mobile to get the diffarent service Like 1Mobiledth data recharge 2Air ticketbuscar gas booking 3Hotel holyday boking, 4Electricity mobile postpaid landline billlic primium paid 5New DTH connection boking 6E-commerce of 60,000 product &More online service use in MYRECHARGE -SELF COMMISON DETAIL- 1mobiledth data recharge-upto2 .75 2air ticketbuscar booking- upto15 3Hotel holiday booking- upto12 4Dth connection booking -upto 400rs 5e-commerce commison- upto 30 -DOWNLINE COMMISON DETAIL- now injoy your downline commison 0.02 - 0.25 upto 35 levels Joining amount -1800rs onlyget retran 100rs topup next 6monthupto 18month BINARY PLAN INCOME 1Pair income300-rs Capping10pair day Daily income10X300 3000-rs IF u join myrecharge in 1 ID then you earn Monthly 300X30090000 -rs1ID IF u join in myrecharge 3ID then you earn Monthly 300X9002,70, 000-rs...3 ID IF u join in myrecharge 7 ID then you earn Monthly 300X21006,30 ,000-rs....7 ID If u earn more then join u more id.... REWARDS&RANK ING Mobile25pair STAR Laptop150pair SILVER STAR Bike&holiday tour bankok500pair GOLD STAR LCD tv 42"&holiday tour phuket2100pair PLATINAM STAR Alto car7500pairRU BY STAR Swift desire car35000pairD IAMOND Bmw x5 car99000pairC ROWN ROYALTY INCOME Complet 200pair and get Royalty Total 7 type life time Royalty here Royalty amount 5,000 Upto 1lak per month for life time 200pair -SILVER ROYALTY 500 Pairs -GOLD ROYALTY 1000Pair -SUPER GOLD ROYALTY 2500pair -PLATINUM ROYALTY 7500pair -RUBY ROYALTY 15000pair -DIAMOND ROYALTY 25000pair -CROWN ROYALTY all Royalty for lifetime ¤&hearts ¤ For joining&more information contact me CONTACT ME 07042811729, WEBSITE -WWW.MYRECARGE.CO.IN

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  • 28 April, 2015
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