1 150 3-4

क्या आप 1 करोड़ कमाने के लिये 150 रुपये की रिस्क लेके 3-4 महीने मेहनत से काम कर सकते है? Life Changing opportunity How much you can earn with the investemnt of Rs.150/- You May Say - Rs.150/- Rs.300/- or you can say Rs.450/- DO YOU WANT TO EARN 1 crore rs. 150 for the 3-4 months the riska work can work? Life Changing opportunity How much you can earn with the investemnt of Rs.150/- You May Say - Rs.150/- Rs.300/- or you can say Rs.450/- But My Answer is Rs.1,08,55,400/- How ???????????? Fully and rs. 150 Rs. 1,08,55,400 /- Pā'iyē! How? Do you or not your income rs. 1,08,55,400 becoming hēl This 2 X8 Matrix plan of minimum and ŏṭōmēṭikalī harakō'ī means soul. With This plan... R.S. 1,08,55,400 /- Get Rs. Get upset here direct payment to your bank account is credited. Start in 150 /- Your Rs Spānsara's bank account to deposit are in. As soon as you have 150 /- Rupee account spānsara gathered your id ēkṭivēṭa enzymes. and your income begins. You people get this plan started, tell that person that he should join direct to your bank account in 150 /- Will deposit rs. 8 LEVEL OF MINIMUM OF 2 X8 Matrix plan, so you can join the 3rd person will join before you, o man will move where there is plenty of room, and rs. 150 to mean spānsara Join in which ḍā'unalā'ina done hey! After register with your mobile on your user Id & password to come whom will log on to your bank account spōnsara complete information of the shine! This plan in level 8. Level 8 until you need to upgrade their id is necessary. When and how to upgrade to, and what the conditions :- 1 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: Jaisēhī your registration is 150 for the upgrade /- The Spānsara Rs in bank account, level 1, you go in. THEN YOU NEED 2 member to join! These 2 MEMBER 1st ḍā'unalā'ina.! Them your income will be rs. 300! (rupees. 150 x 2 = Rs. 300). So you is rs. 300 (300) to sponsor his ID 2 level for qt to be upgraded! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 300 rupees. 300 = 00 2 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: Now you need to join needs to be. Your 2 QT 4 ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA MADAM. You each member rs. 300 Pack (Rs. 300 x 4 = Rs. 1,200). Him now rs. Out of 1,200 rupees. 600 (600) to sponsor his ID 3rd level for to upgrade! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 1,200 rupees. 600 = Rs. 600 3 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 3RD ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 8 member you will be each member rs. 600 Pack (Rs. 600 x 8 = Rs. 4,800) Him now rs. In 4,800 rupees. 2,000 (2000) to sponsor his ID 4th level upgrade for your will to be income ṭōṭala rs. 4,800 rupees. 2,000 = Rs. 2,800 4 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 4TH ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 16 member you will be each member rs. 2,000 Pack (Rs. 2,000 x 16 = Rs. 32,000) Him now rs. In 32,000 rupees. 4,000 (4,000) to sponsor his ID 5th level for to upgrade! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 32,000 rupees. 4,000 = Rs. 28,000 5 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 5TH ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 32 member you will be each member rs. 4,000 Pack (Rs. 4,000 x 32 = Rs. 1,28,000) Him now rs. In 1,28,000 rupees. 8,000 (8,000) to sponsor his ID 6th level for to upgrade! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 1,28,, 000 rupees. 8,000 = Rs. 1,20,000 6 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 6TH ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 64 member you will be each member rs. 8,000 Pack (Rs. 8,000 x 64 = Rs. 5,12,000) Him now rs. In 5,12,000 rupees. 16,000 (16,000) to sponsor his ID 7th level for to upgrade! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 5,12,000 rupees. 16,000 = Rs. 4,96,000 7 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 7TH ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 128 member you will be each member rs. Meet 16,000 (Rs. 16,000 x 128 = Rs. 20,48,000) Him now rs. In 20,48,000 rupees. 32,000 SPŌNSARA GIFT HIS ID 7th level for to upgrade! Your Ṭōṭala income will be rs. 20,48,000 rupees. 32,000 = Rs. 20,16,000 8 ⃣➡Lēvēla Upgrade :: In this level you need to join the is no need for your 7TH ḌĀ'UNALĀ'INA 256 member you will be each member rs. Meet 32,000 (Rs. 32,000 x 256 = Rs. 81,92,000) How your income? First level in which you join any, with everyone 150 /- Analimiṭēḍa can achieve. Level 1 = 0 Level 2 = 600 Level 3 = 2,800 Level 4 = 28,000 Level 5 = 1,20,000 Level 6 = 4,96,000 Level 7 = 20,16,000 Level 8 = 81,32,000 ------------------------------------- Total = 1,08,55,400 You are now at the sky, oh ok, but some don't, want any plan not to tell, my income is 1,08,55,400 /- How be? Spānsara everyday you find somebody to join and rs. 150 per person direct bank account mēmprāpta looking 2 people join them after the 3rd, 4, 5, 6 He said he would? Plan For This 2 x8 minimum matrix, because after 2, everybody in your bottom and your 2 X8 Matrix plan ŏṭōfila. Just need your id in every level you need to upgrade www.150kadum.in/106714

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  • 16 May, 2016
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